BlueMX manages more than 200K Ha of Mangrove Conservation and Restoration Projects in Mexico, building sustainable community initiatives which meet the United Nation’s SDGs and enrich the social and economic well-being of local communities.

Welcome to BlueMX

BlueMX Mangrove A.C is non-profit, social entrepreneurship organization that designs, plans and develops, together with communities, projects for the management and conservation of the mangrove ecosystem and other coastal wetlands to improve the social and ecological environment of their land.

Our conservation and restoration project areas are coastal ecosystems of mangroves, tidal and salt marshes, which provide numerous benefits and services that are essential for climate change adaptation along Mexico’s coasts, including: protection from storms and sea level rise, prevention of shoreline erosion, regulation of coastal water quality, provision of habitat for commercial fisheries and endangered flora and fauna, and food security for coastal communities.

Manglar es Vida (9 min)

BlueMX provides work to thousands of men and women through our conservation, restoration and field monitoring activities. Our social impact initiatives (meeting the UN SDGs)  are designed to better the education, health and economic livelihood of local communities throughout Mexico’s coastal regions.




Why Mexico Matters in the Global Race for Climate Change Adaptation

The coast of Mexico has more than 700,000 hectares of mangroves, 5% of the world total, making it the fourth country in the world in area of this kind of ecosystem. Mexico is also unique for its land tenure system, with approximately 70% of the country’s forests being under social ownership by local communities, many of which are indigenous.

World’s total biodiversity, located within Mexico
Different flora species, ranking 4th in the world
Total ‘Protect Natural Areas’, in square kilometres
World ranking, in diverse and important ecosystems

Mexico has one of the highest mangrove deforestation rates in the world.

Without concerted action, close to 50% of Mexico’s mangroves will be lost within the next 50 years.

The Importance of Mangroves

Global Seafood Catch relying on mangrove forests (directly and indirectly)
Increase in fish populations when mangrove forests are restored to their original state
Effectiveness of mangrove Carbon Storage, compared to terrestrial forests (tCO2)
Lost fish, per year, when ONE square mile of mangroves are lost

The dedicated teams at BlueMX bring real-world experience to the successful Conservation of pristine mangrove forest, Restoration and Reforestation of degraded mangrove forest and the development of high-impact, Sustainable Social Initiatives.

Our Mangrove Projects focus on coastal ecosystems, tidal marshes, and seagrass meadows, which provide numerous benefits and services, including:

  • Protection from storms and sea level rise,

  • Prevention of shoreline erosion,

  • Regulation of coastal water quality,

  • Provision of habitat for commercial fisheries and endangered species

  • Food security for many coastal communities.

Our Social Impact and Community Development initiatives meet the United Nation’s SDGs and bring triple bottom line benefits to all stakeholders, by realizing:

  • Economic & Development Investment

  • Clean Water & Renewable Energy Initiatives

  • Healthcare Assistance Programs

  • Cash Crop Development